Module safer_ffi::layout

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Trait abstractions describing the semantics of “being #[repr(C)]



  • Safely implement CType for a #[repr(C)] struct when all its fields are CType.
  • Transitioning helper macro: still uses the old ReprC! syntax, but just to forward to the new #[derive_ReprC2($(js)?)] one.
  • For clarity; this macro may be stabilized if downstream users find it useful *



  • Safety (non-exhaustive list at the moment):
  • Alias for ReprC where Self::CLayout::OPAQUE_KIND = OpaqueKind::Concrete
  • One of the two core traits of this crate (with ReprC).
  • The meat of the crate. The trait. This trait describes that a type has a defined / fixed #[repr(C)] layout.


Type Definitions

Attribute Macros