Adding state: Closures

Since bare function pointers cannot carry any non-global instance-specific state, their usability is quite limited. For a callback-based API to be good, it must be able to support some associated state.

Stateful callbacks in C

In C, the idiomatic way to achieve this is to carry an extra void * parameter (traditionally called data, ctx, env or payload), and have the function pointer receive it as one of its parameters:

#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void call_n_times (
    size_t repeat_count,
    void (*cb)(void * cb_ctx),
    void * cb_ctx)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < repeat_count; ++i) {

void my_cb (
    void * cb_ctx);

int main (void)
    int counter = 0; // state to be shared
    int * at_counter = &counter; // pointer to the state
    void * cb_ctx = (void *) at_counter; // type-erased
    assert(counter == 42);
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
// where
void my_cb (
    void * cb_ctx)
    int * at_counter = (int *) cb_ctx; // undo type erasure
    *at_counter += 1; // access state through dereference

This pattern is so pervasive that the natural thing to do is to bundle those two fields (data pointer, and function pointer) within a struct:

typedef struct MyCallback {
    void (*cb)(void * ctx);
    void * ctx;
} MyCallback_t;
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct MyCallback {
    void * ctx;
    void (*fptr)(void * ctx);
} MyCallback_t;

void call_n_times (
    size_t repeat_count,
    MyCallback_t cb)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < repeat_count; ++i) {

void my_cb (
    void * cb_ctx);

int main (void)
    int counter = 0;
        (MyCallback_t) {
            .fptr = my_cb,
            .ctx = (void *) &counter,
    assert(counter == 42);
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
// where
void my_cb (
    void * cb_ctx)
    int * at_counter = (int *) cb_ctx;
    *at_counter += 1;

Back to Rust

In Rust, the situation is quite more subtle, since the properties of the closure are not wave-handed like they are in C. Instead, there are very rigurous things to take into account:

  • 'static

    Can the environment be held arbitrarily long, or is there some call frame / scope / lifetime it cannot outlive?

  • Send

    Can the environment be accessed (non-concurrently) from another thread?

    • For the sake of sanity, non-Send closures are not supported.
  • Fn vs. FnMut

    Both involve a callable API, but FnMut involves non-concurrent access whereas Fn allows concurrent access (e.g., closure then has to be reentrant-safe and, when Sync, thread-safe too).

  • Sync (+ Fn)

    Is the closure thread-safe / can it be called in parallel?

To get a better understanding of the Fn* traits and the move? |...| ... closure sugar in Rust I highly recommend reading the Closures: Magic functions blog post.

Such struct definitions are available, in a generic fashion, in ::safer_ffi, under the ::safer_ffi::closure module.

Disclaimer about callbacks using lifetimes

Function signatures involving lifetimes are not supported yet (and will probably never be, due to a limitation of Rust's typesystem). Using a transparent newtype around concrete closure signatures would circumvent that genericity limitation, and the crate's author intends to release a macro that would automate that step. In the meantime, you will have to use raw pointers or the Raw variants of the provided C types (e.g., c_slice::Raw, char_p::Raw).

For instance, MyCallback_t above is equivalent to using, within Rust, the RefDynFnMut0<'_, ()> type, a ReprC version of &'_ mut (dyn Send + FnMut()):

C layout
typedef struct {
    // Cannot be NULL
    void * env_ptr;
    // Cannot be NULL
    void (*call)(void * env_ptr);
} RefDynFnMut0_void_t;

Borrowed closures

More generally, when having to deal with a borrowed? stateful callback having N inputs of type A1, A2, ..., An, and a return type of Ret, i.e., a &'_ mut (dyn Send + FnMut(A1, ..., An) -> Ret), then the ReprC equivalent to use is:

RefDynFnMutN<'_, Ret, A1, ..., An>

  • C layout:

    typedef struct {
        // Cannot be NULL
        void * env_ptr; // &'_ mut TypeErased
        // Cannot be NULL
        Ret_t (*call)(void * env_ptr,
            A1_t arg_1,
            A2_t arg2,
            An_t arg_n);
    } RefDynFnMutN_Ret_A1_A2_..._An_t;
Example: call_n_times in Rust

The previously shown API:

typedef struct MyCallback {
    void * ctx;
    void (*fptr)(void * ctx);
} MyCallback_t;

void call_n_times (
    size_t repeat_count,
    MyCallback_t cb)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < repeat_count; ++i) {

can be trivially implemented in Rust with the following code:

use ::safer_ffi::prelude::*;

fn call_n_times (
    repeat_count: usize,
    cb: RefDynFnMut0<'_, ()>,
    // A current limitation of the `#[ffi_export]` is that it does not support
    // any non-identifier patterns such as `mut cb`.
    // We thus need to rebind it at the beginning of the function's body.
    // This ought to be fixed very soon.
    let mut cb = cb;
    for _ in 0 .. repeat_count {;
Bonus: calling it from Rust

Although most FFI functions are only to be called by C, sometimes we wish to call them from Rust too (e.g., when wanting to test them). In that case, know that the ...DynFn...N<...> family of ReprC closures all come with:

  • constructors supporting the equivalent Rust types (before type erasure!);

  • as well as as .call(...) method as showcased just above;

  • when dealing with owned variants, the Rust types implement Drop (so that offering a function to free a closure is as simple as exporting a function that simply drops its input);

  • and finally, when dealing with ArcDynFnN<...>, it also implements Clone, although it will panic! if the .retain function pointer happens to be NULL.

let mut count = 0;
call_n_times(42, RefDynFnMut0::new(&mut || { count += 1; }));
assert_eq!(count, 42);

Owned closures

When, instead, the closure may be held arbitrarily long (e.g., in another thread), and may have some destructor logic, i.e., when dealing with a heap-allocation-agnostic generalization of:

Box<dyn 'static + Send + FnMut(A1, ..., An) -> Ret>

then, the ReprC equivalent type to use is:

BoxDynFnMutN<Ret, A1, ..., An>

C layout
typedef struct {
    // Cannot be NULL
    void * env_ptr; // Box<TypeErased>
    // Cannot be NULL
    Ret_t (*call)(void * env_ptr,
        A1_t arg_1,
        A2_t arg2,
        An_t arg_n);
    // Cannot be NULL
    void (*free)(void * env_ptr);
} BoxDynFnMutN_Ret_A1_A2_..._An_t;

Ref-counted thread-safe closures

And, finally, when, on top of the previous considerations, the closure may have multiple owners (requiring ref-counting) and/or may be called by concurrent (Fn instead of FnMut) and even parallel (added Sync bound) code, i.e., when dealing with a heap-allocation-agnostic generalization of:

Arc<dyn 'static + Send + Sync + Fn(A1, ..., An) -> Ret>

then, the ReprC equivalent type to use is:

ArcDynFnN<Ret, A1, ..., An>

C layout
typedef struct {
    // Cannot be NULL
    void * env_ptr; // Arc<TypeErased>
    // Cannot be NULL
    Ret_t (*call)(void * env_ptr,
        A1_t arg_1,
        A2_t arg2,
        An_t arg_n);
    // Cannot be NULL
    void (*release)(void * env_ptr);
    // May be NULL
    void (*retain)(void * env_ptr);
} ArcDynFnN_Ret_A1_A2_..._An_t;
  • Note how an ArcDynFnN... * can be casted to a BoxDynFnMutN... * (same prefix), and how the latter can be converted to the former by having .retain = NULL.