Example: FFI-safe Future
s and executors
By the way, all this is actually already directly featured by safer-ffi
itself if you enable the futures
or tokio
Trait:trait Future { type Output; fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, &'_ mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> ; }
Simplify it:
Future<Output = ()>
trait SimpleFuture { fn dyn_poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, &'_ mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<()> ; }
- Renamed to
for more readable semantics down the line.
- Renamed to
Make it FFI-compatible: define an FFI-safe
equivalent#![allow(unused)] fn main() { #[derive_ReprC] #[repr(u8)] enum FfiPoll { Completed, Pending, } #[derive_ReprC(dyn)] trait FfiFuture { fn dyn_poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, &'_ mut Context<'_>) -> FfiPoll ; } }
We have reached a point where
can be used! -
This means we have now gotten the
impl -> dyn
impl<'f, F : 'f + FfiFuture> From< Pin<Box<F>> > for // ↓ VirtualPtr<dyn 'f + FfiFuture>
impl<'f, F : 'f + FfiFuture> From< Pin<&'f mut F> > for // ↓ VirtualPtr<dyn 'f + FfiFuture>
Convenience conversions to/from Rust Futures.
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { impl<F : Future<Output = ()>> FfiFuture for F { fn dyn_poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, ctx: &'_ mut Context<'_>) -> FfiPoll { match self.poll(ctx) { | Poll::Pending => FfiPoll::Pending, | Poll::Ready(()) => FfiPoll::Completed, } } } }
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { impl<'fut> VirtualPtr<dyn 'fut + FfiFuture> { fn into_future(self) -> impl 'fut + Future<Output = ()> { let mut vptr = self; ::core::future::poll_fn(move /* vptr */ |cx| { match Pin::new(&mut vptr).dyn_poll(cx) { | FfiPoll::Pending => Poll::Pending, | FfiPoll::Completed => Poll::Ready(()), } }) } } }
Bonus: offering Wake
ups to the FFI:
Remember: Context
is an opaque FFI type, which makes it unusable there. FFI users won't be able to provide their own custom dyn FfiFuture
objects (other than trivial Future
s or Future
s busy-looping the polls).
We can palliate this by exposing virtual methods / accessors specific to the opaque Context
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { #[macro_export] macro_rules! ffi_export_future_helpers {() => ( const _: () = { use $crate::ඞ::std::{sync::Arc, task::Context, prelude::v1::*}; #[ffi_export] fn rust_future_task_context_wake ( task_context: &'static Context<'static>, ) { task_context.waker().wake_by_ref() } #[ffi_export] fn rust_future_task_context_get_waker ( task_context: &'static Context<'static>, ) -> Arc<dyn 'static + Send + Sync + Fn()> { let waker = task_context.waker().clone(); Arc::new(move || waker.wake_by_ref()).into() } }; )} }
FFI-safe Executor
/ Runtime Handle
Note: ::tokio
does not expose an Executor
API, but rather, a Runtime
, which packages/bundles both the Executor
part1 as well as the Reactor
part2. The latter is the reason some of ::tokio
's leaf Future
s (such as File I/O and sleep
s) cannot be polled, by default, by other executors… See https://docs.rs/async-compat for more info.
the block_on()
runtime in charge of calling .poll()
to make a future progress, with concurrent .poll()
s to spawed Future
background thread(s)/threadpool to which certain Waker::wake()
calls are scheduled, needed by certain leaf futures.
abstraction thereof:#![allow(unused)] fn main() { trait Executor : Send + Sync { fn block_on<T>( self: &'_ Self, future: impl '_ + Future<Output = T>, ) -> T ; fn spawn( self: &'_ Self, future: impl 'static + Send + Future<Output = ()> ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Send + Future<Output = ()>>> ; } }
Making it
-safe:#![allow(unused)] fn main() { trait Executor : Send + Sync { fn dyn_block_on( self: &'_ Self, future: Pin<Box<dyn '_ + Future<Output = ()>>>, ) ; fn dyn_spawn( self: &'_ Self, future: Pin<Box<dyn Send + Future<Output = ()>>> ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Send + Future<Output = ()>>> ; } }
Making it FFI-safe:
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { #[derive_ReprC(dyn, Clone)] trait FfiFutureExecutor : Send + Sync { fn dyn_block_on( self: &'_ Self, future: VirtualPtr<dyn '_ + FfiFuture>, ) ; fn dyn_spawn( self: &'_ Self, future: VirtualPtr<dyn Send + FfiFuture> ) -> VirtualPtr<dyn Send + FfiFuture> ; } }
From a
:impl FfiFutureExecutor for ::tokio::runtime::Handle { fn dyn_block_on ( self: &'_ Self, ffi_fut: VirtualPtr<dyn '_ + FfiFuture>, ) { self.block_on(ffi_fut.into_future()) } fn dyn_spawn ( self: &'_ Self, future: VirtualPtr<dyn Send + FfiFuture>, ) -> VirtualPtr<dyn Send + FfiFuture> { let handle_result = self.spawn(future.into_future()); let handle_unwrapped = async { handle .await .unwrap_or_else(|caught_panic| { ::std::panic::resume_unwind(caught_panic.into_panic()) }) }; Box::pin(handle_unwrapped) .into() } }
Usable as an
:#![allow(unused)] fn main() { /// Notice how we got the generics back! impl VirtualPtr<dyn FfiFutureExecutor> { fn block_on<R> ( self: &'_ Self, fut: impl Future<Output = R> ) -> R { // We use `Option<R>` as a simple non-`'static` channel // to get the generic payload back. let mut ret = None; self.dyn_block_on( // From< Pin<&mut F> > ::core::pin::pin!(async { ret = Some(fut.await); }) .into() ); ret.expect("`.dyn_block_on()` did not complete") } fn spawn<R : 'static + Send> ( self: &'_ Self, fut: impl 'static + Send + Future<Output = R>, ) -> impl 'static + Future<Output = R> { // Channel to be able to get the generic payload back. let (tx, rx) = ::futures::channel::oneshot::channel(); let ffi_handle = self.dyn_spawn( // From< Pin<Box<F>> > Box::pin(async move { tx.send(fut.await).ok(); }) .into() ); let handle = async move { ffi_handle.into_future().await; rx .await .expect("\ executor dropped the `spawn`ed task \ before its completion\ ") }; handle } } }