
Export items to the FFI world

To do this, simply slap the #[ffi_export] attribute on any "item" that you wish to see exported to C.

The only currently supported such "item"s are:

  • function definitions (main entry point of the crate!)
  • consts
  • type definitions (when not mentioned by an exported function).

statics are not supported yet. This ought to be fixed soon.

If using non-primitive non-safer_ffi-provided types, then those must be #[derive_ReprC] annotated.

At which point the only thing remaining is to generate the header file.

Header generation

// with the `safer-ffi/headers` feature enabled:
 // .other_optional_adapters()

Given how safer_ffi implements the C reflection logic as methods within a trait related to ReprC, the only way to generate the headers is to have that .generate() call be written directly in the library (a limitation that comes from the way the machinery currently operates), .generate() cannot be written in a downstream/dependent crate, such as a bin or an example.

On the other hand, it is perfectly possible to have the Rust library export a function which does this .generate() call.

That's why you'll end up with the following pattern:

Define a cfg-gated pub fn that calls into the safer_ffi::headers::builder() to .generate() the headers into the given file(name), or into the given Write-able / "write sink":

  • Basic example:

    fn main() {
    //! src/
    #[cfg(feature = "headers")]
    pub fn generate_headers() -> ::std::io::Result<()> {
    //! src/bin/
    fn main() -> ::std::io::Result<()> {
  • And run:

    cargo run --bin generate-headers --features headers

    to generate the headers.

More advanced example (runtime-dependent header output)

fn main() {
#[cfg(feature = "headers")]
fn generate_headers() -> ::std::io::Result<()> {
    let builder = ::safer_ffi::headers::builder();
    if let Some(filename) = ::std::env::args_os().nth(1) {
    } else {

and run

cargo run --bin generate-headers --features headers -- /path/to/headers.h