

safer_ffi is a rust framework to generate a foreign function interface (or FFI) easily and safely.

This framework is primarily used to annotate rust functions and types to generate C headers without polluting your rust code with unsafe.

It's inspired by #[wasm_bindgen]. It's mainly expose Rust to C over the FFI (allowing C code calling into Rust code). However, it does have some usages for C to Rust over the FFI (callbacks or extern { ... } headers).

This chart shows the comparison of traditional FFI types vs ones using safer_ffi.

Traditional FFIsafer_ffi
Mutable pointer or NULL*mut TOption<&mut T>
Mutable pointer*mut T&mut T
Owned pointer or NULL*mut TOption<repr_c::Box<T>>
Owned pointer*mut Trepr_c::Box<T>

Rust documentation

Link to the rustdoc-generated API documentation .


  • Minimum Supported Rust Version: 1.60.0

Getting started

See the next chapter or the chapter on Detailed Usage.

Warning: safer_ffi is still in an alpha stage. Some features may be missing, while others may be changed when further improving it.


Small self-contained demo

You may try working with the examples/point example embedded in the repo:

git clone && cd safer_ffi
(cd examples/point && make)

Otherwise, to start using ::safer_ffi, follow the following steps:

Crate layout

Step 1: Cargo.toml

Edit your Cargo.toml like so:

name = "crate_name"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"

crate-type = [
    "staticlib",  # Ensure it gets compiled as a (static) C library
  # "cdylib",     # If you want a shared/dynamic C library (advanced)
    "lib",        # For `generate-headers`, `examples/`, `tests/` etc.

name = "generate-headers"
required-features = ["headers"]  # Do not build unless generating headers.

# Use `cargo add` or `cargo search` to find the latest values of x.y.z.
# For instance:
#   cargo add safer-ffi
safer-ffi.version = "x.y.z"
safer-ffi.features = [] # you may add some later on.

# If you want to generate the headers, use a feature-gate
# to opt into doing so:
headers = ["safer-ffi/headers"]
  • Where "x.y.z" ought to be replaced by the last released version, which you can find by running cargo search safer-ffi.

  • See the dedicated chapter on Cargo.toml for more info.

Step 2: src/

Then, to export a Rust function to FFI, add the #[derive_ReprC] and #[ffi_export] attributes like so:

fn main() {
use ::safer_ffi::prelude::*;

/// A `struct` usable from both Rust and C
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Point {
    x: f64,
    y: f64,

/* Export a Rust function to the C world. */
/// Returns the middle point of `[a, b]`.
fn mid_point(a: &Point, b: &Point) -> Point {
    Point {
        x: (a.x + b.x) / 2.,
        y: (a.y + b.y) / 2.,

/// Pretty-prints a point using Rust's formatting logic.
fn print_point(point: &Point) {
    println!("{:?}", point);

// The following function is only necessary for the header generation.
#[cfg(feature = "headers")] // c.f. the `Cargo.toml` section
pub fn generate_headers() -> ::std::io::Result<()> {

Step 3: src/bin/

fn main() -> ::std::io::Result<()> {

Compilation & header generation

# Compile the C library (in `target/{debug,release}/libcrate_name.ext`)
cargo build # --release

# Generate the C header
cargo run --features headers --bin generate-headers
Generated C header (rust_points.h)
/*! \file */
 *                                         *
 *  File auto-generated by `::safer_ffi`.  *
 *                                         *
 *  Do not manually edit this file.        *
 *                                         *

#ifndef __RUST_CRATE_NAME__
#define __RUST_CRATE_NAME__
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>

/** \brief
 *  A `struct` usable from both Rust and C
typedef struct Point {
    /** <No documentation available> */
    double x;

    /** <No documentation available> */
    double y;
} Point_t;

/** \brief
 *  Returns the middle point of `[a, b]`.
mid_point (
    Point_t const * a,
    Point_t const * b);

/** \brief
 *  Pretty-prints a point using Rust's formatting logic.
print_point (
    Point_t const * point);

#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern \"C\" */

#endif /* __RUST_CRATE_NAME__ */

Testing it from C

Here is a basic example to showcase FFI calling into our exported Rust functions:


#include <stdlib.h>

#include "rust_points.h"

main (int argc, char const * const argv[])
    Point_t a = { .x = 84, .y = 45 };
    Point_t b = { .x = 0, .y = 39 };
    Point_t m = mid_point(&a, &b);
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Compilation command

cc -o main{,.c} -L target/debug -l crate_name -l{pthread,dl,m}

# Now feel free to run the compiled binary
  • Note regarding the extra -l… flags.

    Those vary based on the version of the Rust standard library being used, and the system being used to compile it. In order to reliably know which ones to use, rustc itself ought to be queried for it.

    Simple command:

    rustc --crate-type=staticlib --print=native-static-libs -</dev/null

    this yields, to the stderr, output along the lines of:

    note: Link against the following native artifacts when linking against this static library. The order and any duplication can be significant on some platforms.
    note: native-static-libs: -lSystem -lresolv -lc -lm -liconv

    Using something like sed -nE 's/^note: native-static-libs: (.*)/\1/p' is thus a convenient way to extract these flags:

    rustc --crate-type=staticlib --print=native-static-libs -</dev/null \
        2>&1 | sed -nE 's/^note: native-static-libs: (.*)/\1/p'

    Ideally, you would not query for this information in a vacuum (e.g., /dev/null file being used as input Rust code just above), and rather, would apply it for your actual code being compiled:

    cargo rustc -q -- --print=native-static-libs \
        2>&1 | sed -nE 's/^note: native-static-libs: (.*)/\1/p'

    And if you really wanted to polish things further, you could use the JSON-formatted compiler output (this, for instance, avoids having to redirect stderr). But then you'd have to use a JSON parser, such as jq:

    RUST_STDLIB_DEPS=$(set -eo pipefail && \
        cargo rustc \
            --message-format=json \
            -- --print=native-static-libs \
        | jq -r '
            select (.reason == "compiler-message")
            | .message.message
        ' | sed -nE 's/^native-static-libs: (.*)/\1/p' \

    and then use:

    cc -o main{,.c} -L target/debug -l crate_name ${RUST_STDLIB_DEPS}

which does output:

Point { x: 42.0, y: 42.0 }



Using safer_ffi is pretty simple, provided one knows how C compilation works.



crate-type = ["staticlib", "lib"]

safer-ffi = "..."

headers = ["safer-ffi/headers"]


fn main() {
use ::safer_ffi::prelude::*;

fn add(x: i32, y: i32) -> i32 {

#[cfg(feature = "headers")]
pub fn generate_headers() -> ::std::io::Result<()> {


fn main() -> ::std::io::Result<()> {
  • And run:

    cargo run --bin generate-headers --features headers

    to generate the headers.


[lib] crate-type

So, to ensure we compile a static or dynamic library containing the definitions of our #[ffi_export] functions (+ any code they transitively depend on), we need to tell to cargo that our crate is of that type:

# Cargo.toml

crate-type = [
    "staticlib",  # Ensure it gets compiled as a (static) C library
                  # `target/{debug,release}/libcrate_name.a`
    # and/or:
    "cdylib",     # If you want a shared/dynamic C library (advanced)
                  # `target/{debug,release}/libcrate_name.{so,dylib}`

    "lib",        # For `generate-headers`, `examples/`, `tests/` etc.


To get access to safer_ffi and its ergonomic attribute macros we add safer_ffi as a dependency, and enable the proc_macros feature:

safer-ffi.version = "x.y.z"
  • Where "x.y.z" ought to be replaced by the last released version, which you can find by running cargo search safer-ffi or cargo add safer-ffi

  • If working in a no_std environment, you will need to disable the default std feature by adding default-features = false.

    safer-ffi.version = "x.y.z"
    safer-ffi.default-features = false  # <- Add this!
    • if, however, you still have access to an allocator, you can enable the alloc feature, to get the defintions of safer_ffi::{Box, String, Vec} etc.

      safer-ffi.version = "x.y.z"
      safer-ffi.default-features = false
      safer-ffi.features = [
          "alloc",  # <- Add this!
  • You may also enable the log feature so that safer_ffi may log error!s when the semi-checked casts from raw C types into their Rust counterparts fail (e.g., when receiving a bool that is nether 0 nor 1).

    safer-ffi.version = "x.y.z"
    safer-ffi.features = [
        "log",  # <- Add this!

[features] headers

Finally, in order to alleviate the compile-time when not generating the headers (it is customary to bundle pre-generated headers when distributing an FFI-compatible Rust crate), the runtime C reflection and header generation machinery (the most heavyweight part of safer_ffi) is feature-gated away by default (behind the safer_ffi/headers feature).

However, when generating the headers, such machinery is needed. Thus the simplest solution is for the FFI crate to have a Cargo feature (flag) that transitively enables the safer_ffi/headers feature. You can name such feature however you want. In this guide, it is named headers.

headers = ["safer_ffi/headers"]


Export items to the FFI world

To do this, simply slap the #[ffi_export] attribute on any "item" that you wish to see exported to C.

The only currently supported such "item"s are:

  • function definitions (main entry point of the crate!)
  • consts
  • type definitions (when not mentioned by an exported function).

statics are not supported yet. This ought to be fixed soon.

If using non-primitive non-safer_ffi-provided types, then those must be #[derive_ReprC] annotated.

At which point the only thing remaining is to generate the header file.

Header generation

// with the `safer-ffi/headers` feature enabled:
 // .other_optional_adapters()

Given how safer_ffi implements the C reflection logic as methods within a trait related to ReprC, the only way to generate the headers is to have that .generate() call be written directly in the library (a limitation that comes from the way the machinery currently operates), .generate() cannot be written in a downstream/dependent crate, such as a bin or an example.

On the other hand, it is perfectly possible to have the Rust library export a function which does this .generate() call.

That's why you'll end up with the following pattern:

Define a cfg-gated pub fn that calls into the safer_ffi::headers::builder() to .generate() the headers into the given file(name), or into the given Write-able / "write sink":

  • Basic example:

    fn main() {
    //! src/
    #[cfg(feature = "headers")]
    pub fn generate_headers() -> ::std::io::Result<()> {
    //! src/bin/
    fn main() -> ::std::io::Result<()> {
  • And run:

    cargo run --bin generate-headers --features headers

    to generate the headers.

More advanced example (runtime-dependent header output)

fn main() {
#[cfg(feature = "headers")]
fn generate_headers() -> ::std::io::Result<()> {
    let builder = ::safer_ffi::headers::builder();
    if let Some(filename) = ::std::env::args_os().nth(1) {
    } else {

and run

cargo run --bin generate-headers --features headers -- /path/to/headers.h

Custom Types

Custom types are also supported, as long as they:

Usage with structs

#[derive_ReprC] // <- `::safer_ffi`'s attribute
#[repr(C)]      // <- defined C layout is mandatory!
struct Point {
    x: i32,
    y: i32,

Usage with enums

#[derive_ReprC] // <- `::safer_ffi`'s attribute
#[repr(u8)]     // <- explicit integer `repr` is mandatory!
pub enum Direction {
    Up = 1,
    Down = -1,

Motivation: safer types across FFI

In this chapter we will see why my company, Ditto, and I, chose to develop the ::safer_ffi framework, which should help illustrate why using it can also be a good thing for you.

  1. We will start with an overview of the traditional way to write Rust→C FFI,

  2. We will then discuss about using idiomatic Rust types such as Vec and [_] slices in FFI, and how ::safer_ffi helps in that regard.

Why use safer_ffi?

Traditionally, to generate FFI from Rust to C developers would use #[no_mangle] and cbindgen like so:

struct Point {
    x: i32,
    y: i32,

#[no_mangle] pub extern "C"
fn origin () -> Point
    Point { x: 0, y: 0 }

And this is already quite good! For simple FFI projects (e.g., exporting just one or two Rust functions to C), this pattern works wonderfully. So kudos to cbindgen authors for such a convenient, customizable and easy to use tool!

But it turns out that this can struggle with more complex scenarios. My company, Ditto, extensively uses FFI with Rust and has run into the limitations outlined below.

Learn more about Ditto's experience with FFI and Rust.

safer_ffi features that traditional FFI struggles to support

  • These have been tested with cbindgen v0.14.2.

Correctly detecting fn pointers that use an incorrect ABI

As mentioned in the callbacks chapter, functions have an associated calling convention, and getting it wrong leads to Undefined Behavior.


Traditionally, if one were to write the following FFI definition:

struct MyCallback {
    cb: fn(), /* Wops, forgot to mark it `extern "C"` */

#[no_mangle] pub extern "C"
fn call (it: MyCallback)

they would get (with no warnings whatsoever!):

#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct {
    void (*cb)(void); // Wrong, this header corresponds to an `extern "C"` ABI
} MyCallback;

void call(MyCallback it); /* => UB to call from C! */


+ use ::safer_ffi::prelude::*;
+ #[derive_ReprC]


- #[no_mangle] pub extern "C"
+ #[ffi_export]

By using ::safer_ffi, such errors are caught (since only extern "C" fn pointers are ReprC):

error[E0277]: the trait bound `fn(): safer_ffi::layout::ReprC` is not satisfied
 --> src/
3 | #[derive_ReprC]
  | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `safer_ffi::layout::ReprC` is not implemented for `fn()`
  = help: the following implementations were found:
            <extern "C" fn() -> Ret as safer_ffi::layout::ReprC>
            <unsafe extern "C" fn() -> Ret as safer_ffi::layout::ReprC>
  = help: see issue #48214
  = note: this error originates in a macro (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)


Support for complex types and respective layout or ABI semantics

Traditionally, if one were to write the following FFI definition:

#[no_mangle] pub extern "C"
fn my_free (ptr: Box<i32>)

they would get:

typedef struct Box_i32 Box_i32;

void my_free(Box_i32 ptr);

which does not even compile.

This means that the moment you want to use types to express properties and invariants, you quickly stumble upon this limitation. This is why, traditional Rust→C FFI code uses "flat" raw pointers. This results in unsafe implementations which are more error-prone.

::safer_ffi solves this issue by using more evolved types:

Traditional FFIsafer_ffi
Mutable pointer or NULL*mut TOption<&mut T>
Mutable pointer*mut T&mut T
Owned pointer or NULL*mut TOption<repr_c::Box<T>>
Owned pointer*mut Trepr_c::Box<T>
fn my_free (ptr: repr_c::Box<i32>)

correctly generates

void my_free(int32_t * ptr);

For instance, what better way to guard against NULL pointer dereferences than to express nullability (or lack thereof) with Option<_>-wrapped pointer types?

fn my_free_supports_null (ptr: Option<repr_c::Box<i32>>)

Consistent support for macro-generated definitions

Since safer_ffi is integrated within the compiler, it supports macros expanding to #[ffi_export] function definitions or #[derive_ReprC] type definitions.


To make the following code work (w.r.t. auto-generated headers):

macro_rules! adders {(
        $T:ty => $add_T:ident,
) => (
        #[no_mangle] pub extern "C"
        fn $add_T (x: $T, y: $T) -> $T

adders! {
    u8  => add_uint8,
    i8  => add_int8,
    u16 => add_uint16,
    i16 => add_int16,
    u32 => add_uint32,
    i32 => add_int32,
    u64 => add_uint64,
    i64 => add_int64,

one only has to:

-       #[no_mangle] pub extern "C"
+       #[ffi_export]

Support for shadowed paths

Since safer_ffi is integrated withing the compiler, the types the code refers to are unambiguously understood by both #[derive_ReprC] and #[ffi_export].


The following examples confuses traditional FFI:

/// Let's imagine that we have a custom `Option` type with a defined C layout.
/// We are opting out of a niche layout optimization.
/// (
struct Option<T> {
    is_some: bool,
    value: ::core::mem::MaybeUninit<T>,

mod ffi_functions {
    use super::*; // <- This is what `cbindgen` currently struggles with

    #[no_mangle] pub extern "C"
    fn with_my_option (my_opt: Option<&'_ i32>) -> i8
        if my_opt.is_some {
            let value: &'_ i32 = unsafe { my_opt.value.assume_init() };
            println!("{}", *value);
        } else {

Indeed, it generates:

void with_my_option(const int32_t *_it);

Which corresponds to the signature of a function using the standard Option type: ⚠️ an incorrect function signature, with no warnings whatsoever ⚠️

This is another instance where

-   #[no_mangle] pub extern "C"
+   #[ffi_export]

saves the day 🙂

Idiomatic Rust types in FFI signatures?

That was the main objective when creating and using ::safer_ffi:

Why go through the dangerously unsafe hassle of:

  • using ptr: *const/mut T, len: usize pairs when wanting to use slices?

  • using *const c_char and *mut c_char and CStr / CString / String dances when wanting to use strings?

  • losing all kind of ownership-borrow information with signatures such as:

    // Is this taking ownership of `Foo` or "just" mutating it?
    #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C"
    fn foo_stuff (foo: *mut Foo)
        /* ... */

Can't we use our good ol' idiomatic &/&mut/Box trinity types? And some equivalent to [_] slices, Vecs and Strings? And quid of closure types?

To which the answer is yes! All these types can be FFI-compatible, provided they have a defined C layout. And this is precisely what safer_ffi does:

safer_ffi defines a bunch of idiomatic Rust types with a defined #[repr(C)] layout, to get both FFI compatibility and non-unsafe ergonomics.

That is, for any type T that has a defined C layout, i.e., that is ReprC (and Sized):

  • &'_ T and &'_ mut T are themselves ReprC!

    • Same goes for repr_c::Box<T>.

    • They all have the C layout of a (non-nullable) raw pointer.

    • And all three support being Option-wrapped (the layout remains that of a (now nullable) raw pointer, thanks to the enum layout optimization)

  • c_slice::Ref<'_, T> and c_slice::Mut<'_, T> are also ReprC equivalents of &'_ [T] and &'_ mut [T].

    • Same goes for c_slice::Box<T> (to represent Box<[T]>).

    • They all have the C layout of a struct with a .ptr, .len pair of fields (where .ptr is non-nullable).

    • And all three support being Option-wrapped too.

      1. In that case, the .ptr field becomes nullable;

      2. when it is NULL, the .len field can be uninitialized: ⚠️ it is thus then UB to read the .len field ⚠️ (type safety and encapsulation ensure this UB cannot be triggered from within Rust; only the encapsulation-deprived C side can do that).

  • There is repr_c::Vec<T> as well (extra .capacity field w.r.t. generalization to c_slice::Box<T>),

  • as well as repr_c::String!

    • with the slice versions (.capacity-stripped) too: str::Box and str::Ref<'_> (Box<str> and &'_ str respectively).

    • although these definitions are capable of representing any sequence of UTF-8 encoded strings (thus supporting NULL bytes), since the C world is not really capable of handling those (except as opaque blobs of bytes), char *-compatible null-terminated UTF-8 string types are available as well:

      • char_p::Ref<'_> for char const *: a temporary borrow of such string (useful as input parameter).

      • char_p::Box for char *: a pointer owning a Box-allocated such string (useful to return strings).

Simple examples

To better grasp how easy and readable writing FFI code becomes, a few simple examples will be showcased here.

Add more examples, mainly featuring very common requests from people that start doing FFI, such as How to return a Vec, How to use Strings across FFI, etc.

Simple examples: string_concat

#![deny(unsafe_code)] /* No `unsafe` needed! */

use ::safer_ffi::prelude::*;

/// Concatenate two input UTF-8 (_e.g._, ASCII) strings.
/// \remark The returned string must be freed with `rust_free_string`
fn concat (fst: char_p::Ref<'_>, snd: char_p::Ref<'_>)
  -> char_p::Box
   let fst = fst.to_str(); // : &'_ str
   let snd = snd.to_str(); // : &'_ str
   format!("{}{}", fst, snd) // -------+
      .try_into() //                   |
      .unwrap() // <- no inner nulls --+

/// Frees a Rust-allocated string.
fn rust_free_string (string: char_p::Box)
/* \brief
 * Concatenate two input UTF-8 (_e.g._, ASCII) strings.
 * \remark The returned string must be freed with `rust_free_string`.
char * concat (
    char const * fst,
    char const * snd);

/* \brief
 * Frees a Rust-allocated string.
void free_string (
    char * string);

Simple examples: maximum member of an array

#![deny(unsafe_code)] /* No `unsafe` needed! */

use ::safer_ffi::prelude::*;

/// Returns a pointer to the maximum element of the slice
/// when it is not empty, and `NULL` otherwise.
fn max<'xs> (xs: c_slice::Ref<'xs, i32>)
  -> Option<&'xs i32>
    xs  .as_slice() // : &'xs [i32]
generates something along the lines of:
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>

typedef struct slice_ref_int32 {
    /* \brief
     * Pointer to the first element (if any).
     * \remark Cannot be NULL.
    int32_t const * ptr;

    /* \brief
     * Number of elements.
    size_t len;
} slice_ref_int32_t;

/* \brief
 * Returns a pointer to the maximum element of the slice
 * when it is not empty, and `NULL` otherwise.
int32_t const * max (
    slice_ref_int32_t xs);

The ReprC trait

ReprC is the core trait around safer_ffi's design.


a function can only be marked #[ffi_export] if its parameters and returned value are all ReprC.

When is a type ReprC?

A type is ReprC:

  • when it is a primitive type with a C layout (integer types, floating point types, char, bool, non-zero-sized arrays, and extern "C" callbacks),
Function pointers do not support lifetimes yet

Due to a type-system limitation, function pointers that use lifetimes are not ReprC yet. Only function pointers with a non-generic signature can be made ReprC, but this requires defining a newtype wrapper. A convenience macro is planned to be added to automate that step.


You can (safely) make a custom type be ReprC by adding the #[derive_ReprC] attribute on it.

Supported types

Currently, the supported types for the attribute are:

  • a (non-zero-sized) #[repr(C)] struct having only ReprC fields.

    • or a #[repr(transparent)] tuple struct wrapper around a ReprC type.
  • a field-less #[repr({integer})] enum (A "C-like" enum).

  • an arbitrary type that you will only use through (pointer) indirection.

    This leads to the "opaque object" pattern, based on an undefined / forward declaration: typedef struct MyOpaque MyOpaque_t;

    use ::safer_ffi::prelude::*;
    struct MyOpaque {
        /* anything goes here */

The following are not yet implemented

  • a #[repr(C)] union.

  • Some kind of #[repr(to_be_determined)] enum which would be allowed to have fields (thus leading to repr_c::Option and repr_c::Result types, which ought to get rid of any need to use out-parameters).

Deriving ReprC for custom structs


use ::safer_ffi::prelude::*;

#[derive_ReprC] // <- `::safer_ffi`'s attribute
#[repr(C)]      // <- defined C layout is mandatory!
struct Point {
    x: i32,
    y: i32,

fn get_origin ()
  -> Point
    Point { x: 0, y: 0 }
Generated C header
typedef struct Point {
    int32_t x;
    int32_t y;
} Point_t;

Point_t get_origin (void);

Usage with Generic Structs

#[derive_ReprC] supports generic structs:

use ::safer_ffi::prelude::*;

/// The struct can be generic...
struct Point<Coordinate> {
    x: Coordinate,
    y: Coordinate,

/// ... but its usage within an `#[ffi_export]`-ed function must
/// no longer be generic (it must have been instanced with a concrete type)
fn get_origin ()
  -> Point<i32>
    Point { x: 0, y: 0 }
Generated C header

Each monomorphization leads to its own C definition:

  • Point<i32>

    typedef struct {
        int32_t x;
        int32_t y;
    } Point_int32_t;
  • Point<f64>

    typedef struct {
        double x;
        double y;
    } Point_double_t;


  • All the fields must be ReprC or generic.

    • In the generic case, the struct is ReprC only when instanced with concrete ReprC types.
  • The struct must be non-empty (because ANSI C does not support empty structs)

Opaque types (forward declarations)

Sometimes you may be dealing with a complex Rust type and you don't want to go through the hassle of recusrively changing each field to make it ReprC.

In that case, the type can be defined as an opaque object w.r.t. the C API, which will make it usable by C but only through a layer of pointer indirection and function abstraction:

#[repr(opaque)] // <-- instead of `#[repr(C)]`
struct ComplicatedStruct {
    path: PathBuf,
    cb: Rc<dyn 'static + Fn(&'_ Path)>,
    x: i32,

Only braced struct definitions are currently supported. Opaque tuple structs and enums ought to supported soon.

use ::std::{
    path::{Path, PathBuf},

use ::safer_ffi::prelude::*;

struct ComplicatedStruct {
    path: PathBuf,
    cb: Rc<dyn 'static + Fn(&'_ Path)>,
    x: i32,

fn create ()
  -> repr_c::Box<ComplicatedStruct>
    Box::new(ComplicatedStruct {
        path: "/tmp".into(),
        cb: Rc::new(|path| println!("path = `{}`", path.to_string_lossy())),
        x: 42,

fn call_and_get_x (it: &'_ ComplicatedStruct)
  -> i32

fn destroy (it: repr_c::Box<ComplicatedStruct>)
Generated C header
/* Forward declaration */
typedef struct ComplicatedStruct ComplicatedStruct_t;

ComplicatedStruct_t * create (void);

int32_t call_and_get_x (
    ComplicatedStruct_t const * it);

void destroy (
    ComplicatedStruct_t * it);

Testing it from C
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include "dem_header.h"

int main (
    int argc,
    char const * const argv[])
    ComplicatedStruct_t * it = create();
    assert(call_and_get_x(it) == 42); // Prints 'path = `/tmp`'
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Going further

Transparent newtype wrapper
use ::safer_ffi::{prelude::*, ptr};

/// A `Box`-like owned pointer type, but which can be freed using `free()`.
pub struct Malloc<T>(ptr::NonNullOwned<T>);

impl<T> Malloc<T> {
    pub fn new(value: T) -> Option<Self> {
        /* Uses `posix_memalign()` to handle the allocation */

This pattern allows you to define a new type with thus specific Rust semantics attached to it (e.g., specific constructor, destructor and methods) while hiding all that to the C side:

  • in the C world, Malloc<T> will be referred to in the same way that ptr::NonNullOwned<T> is, i.e., as a (non-nullable) *mut T.
fn new_int (x: i32)
  -> Option<Malloc<i32>>

would then generate:

int32_t * new_int (
    int32_t x);

Deriving ReprC for custom enums

C enums

A C enum is a field-less enum, i.e., an enum that only has unit variants.

enum Ordering {
    Less    /* = 0 */,
    Equal   /* = 1 */,
    Greater /* = 2 */,

/// The following discriminants are all guaranteed to be > 0.
enum ErrorKind {
    NotFound            = 1,
    PermissionDenied /* = 2 */,
    TimedOut         /* = 3 */,
    Interrupted      /* = 4 */,
    Other            /* = 5 */,
    // ...

See the reference for more info about them.


use ::safer_ffi::prelude:*;

#[derive_ReprC] // <- `::safer_ffi`'s attribute
#[repr(u8)]     // <- explicit integer `repr` is mandatory!
enum LogLevel {
    Off = 0,    // <- explicit discriminants are supported
Generated C header
typedef uint8_t LogLevel_t; enum {

Layout of C enums

These enums are generally used to define a closed set of distinct integral constants in a type-safe fashion.

But when used from C, the type safety is kind of lost, given how loosely C converts back and forth between enums and integers.

This leads to a very important point:

What is the integer type of the enum discriminants?

With no #[repr(...)] annotation whatsoever, Rust reserves the right to choose whatever it wants: no defined C layout, so not FFI-safe.

With #[repr(Int)] (where Int can be u8, i8, u32, etc.) Rust is forced to use that very Int type.

With #[repr(C)], Rust will pick what C would pick if it were given an equivalent definition.

#[repr(C)] enums can cause UB when used across FFI ⚠️

Click for more info

It turns out C itself does not really define a concrete integer layout for its enums. Indeed, the C standard only states that:

  • the discriminants are ints.

  • the enum itself represents an integer type that must fit in an int.

    • Very often this is an int too.

    • but since there is no explicit guarantee that it must be exactly an int too, compiler flags such as -fshort-enums can lead to smaller integer types.

      This means that when you link against a library that was compiled with a different set of flags, such as a system-wide shared library or a Rust generated staticlib / cdylib, then such mismatch is very likely to cause Undefined Behavior!

In practice, when C defines an enum to be used by Rust, there is no other choice but to use #[repr(C)] and pray / ensure that the C library is compiled with the same semantics that Rust expects (e.g., no -fshort-enums flag).

But when doing FFI in the other direction, there is no reason whatsoever to use #[repr(C)]: picking a fixed-size integer is then the most sensible thing to do for a well-defined and thus robust FFI interface.

That's why #[derive_ReprC] makes the opinionated choice of refusing to handle an enum definition that does not provide an explicit fixed-size integer representation.

More complex enums

Are not supported yet.


This is a very simple attribute: simply slap it on an "item" that you wish to export to the FFI world (C), and voilà!

The only currently supported such "item"s are function definitions: const and statics are not supported yet. This ought to be fixed soon.

use ::safer_ffi::prelude::*;

fn adder (x: i32, y: i32) -> i32


  • all the types used in the function signature need to be ReprC

    This is the core property that ensures both the safety of exporting such functions to the FFI (contrary to the rather poor improper_ctypes lint and its false positives) and the associated C-header-generating logic.

  • The only allowed generic parameters of the function are lifetime parameters.

    • That is, the following function definition is valid:

      use ::safer_ffi::prelude::*;
      fn max<'xs> (xs: c_slice::Ref<'xs, i32>)
        -> Option<&'xs i32>
          xs  .as_slice()  // : &'xs [i32]
    • But the following one is not:

      use ::safer_ffi::prelude::*;
      struct Point<Coordinate> {
          x: Coordinate,
          y: Coordinate,
      #[ffi_export] // Error, generic _type_ parameter
      fn origin<Coordinate> ()
        -> Point<Coordinate>
          Coordinate : Default,


Auto-generated sanity checks

The whole design of the ReprC trait, i.e., a trait that expresses that a type has a C layout, i.e., that it has an associated "raw" C type (types with no validity invariants whatsoever), means that the actual #[no_mangle]-exported function is one using the associated C types in its function signature. This ensures that a foreign call to such functions (i.e., C calling into that function) will not directly trigger "instant UB", contrary to a hand-crafted definition.

  • Indeed, if you were to export a function such as:

    enum LogLevel {
    #[no_mangle] pub extern "C"
    fn set_log_level (level: LogLevel)
        // ...

    then C code calling set_log_level with a value different to the four only possible discriminants of LogLevel (0, 1, 2, 3 in this case) would instantly trigger Undefined Behavior no matter what the body of set_log_level would be.

    Instead, when using safer_ffi, the following code:

    use ::safer_ffi::prelude::*;
    #[repr(u8)] // Associated CType: a plain `u8`
    enum LogLevel {
    fn set_log_level (level: LogLevel)
        // ...

    unsugars to (something along the lines of):

    fn set_log_level (level: LogLevel)
        // ...
    mod hidden {
        #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C"
        fn set_log_level (level: u8)
            match ::safer_ffi::layout::from_raw(level) {
                | Some(level /* : LogLevel */) => {
                | None => {
                    // Got an invalid `LogLevel` bit-pattern
                    if compile_time_condition() {
                        eprintln!("Got an invalid `LogLevel` bit-pattern");
                    } else {
                        use ::std::hint::unreachable_unchecked as UB;

So, basically, there is an attempt to transmute the input C type to the expected ReprC type, but such attempt can fail if the auto-generated sanity-check detects that so doing would not be safe (e.g., input integer corresponding to no enum variant, NULL pointer when the ReprC type is guaranteed not to be it, unaligned pointer when the ReprC type is guaranteed to be aligned).


Such check cannot be exhaustive (in the case of pointers for instance, safer_ffi cannot possibly know if it is valid to dereference a non-null and well-aligned pointer). This means that there are still cases where UB can be triggered nevertheless, hence it being named a sanity check and not a safety check.

  • Only in the case of a (field-less) enum can safer_ffi ensure lack of UB no matter the (integral) C type instance given as input.

As you may notice by looking at the code, there is a compile_time_condition() to actually abort instead of triggering UB. This means that when such condition is not met, UB is actually triggered and we are back to the #[no_mangle] case.

This is by design: such runtime checks may have a performance impact that some programmers may deem unacceptable, so it is logical that there be some escape hatch in that regard.

As of this writing, compile_time_condition() is currently cfg!(debug_assertions), which means that by default such checks are disabled on release.

  • This is not optimal safety-wise, since the default configuration is too loose. The author of the crate is aware of that and intending to replace that with:



These are not yet implemented

  • Non-"C" ABIs

    Currently #[ffi_export] defaults to a #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" function definition, i.e., it exports a function using the default C ABI of the platform it is compiled against (target platform).

    Sometimes a special ABI is required, in which case specifying the ABI is desirable.

    Imagined syntax: an optional ABI = "<abi>" attribute parameter:

    #[ffi_export(ABI = "system")]
    fn ...
  • Custom export_name.

    To override the name (the symbol) the item is exported with (by virtue of the default #[no_mangle], the item is exported with a symbol equal to the identifier used for its name), one could imagine someone wanting to develop their own namespacing tool / name mangling convention when controling both ends of the FFI, so they may want to provide an export_name override too.

    Imagined syntax: an optional export_name = ... attribute parameter.

  • unsafe-ly disabling the runtime sanity checks.

    As mentioned in the sanity checks section, it is intended that all #[ffi_export]-ed functions perform some sanity checks on the raw inputs they receive, before transmuting those to the actual ReprC types. Still, for some functions where performance is critical and the caller of the #[ffi_export]-ed function is trusted not give invalid values, it will be possible to opt-out of such check when debug_assertions are disabled by marking each function where one wants to disable the checks with an unsafe parameter, such as:

    #[safer_ffi(unsafe { skip_sanity_checks() })]
    fn ...

    or on specific params:

    fn set_log_level (
        #[safer_ffi(unsafe { skip_sanity_checks() })]
        level: LogLevel,
    ) -> ...


Bad pun

There are two kinds of callbacks:

  • those "without captured environment", i.e., functions, which can be represented as simple function pointers;

  • and those with a captured environment, called closures.

Function pointers

These are the most simple callback objects. They consist of a single (function) pointer, that is, the address of the (beginning of the) code that is to be called.

  • In Rust, this is the family of fn(...) -> _ types.

    To avoid (very bad) bugs when mixing calling conventions (ABIs), Rust includes the ABI within the type of the function pointer, granting additional type-level safety. When dealing with C, the calling convention that matches C's is almost always extern "C" and is never extern "Rust".

    When unspecified, the calling convention defaults to extern "Rust", which is different from extern "C"!

    This is why all function pointers involved in FFI need to be extern-annotated. Forgetting it results in code that triggers Undefined Behavior (and traditional FFI fails to guard against it)⚠️

  • In C, these are written as ret_t (*name)(function_args), where name is the name of a variable or parameter that has the function pointer type, or the name of the type being type-aliased to the function pointer type.


cb: extern "C" fn()void (*cb)(void)
f: extern "C" fn(arg1_t, arg2_t) -> ret_tret_t (*f)(arg1_t, arg2_t)
transmute::<_, extern "C" fn(arg_t) -> ret_t>(f)(ret_t (*)(arg_t)) (f)
type cb_t = extern "C" fn(arg_t) -> ret_t;
let f: cb_t = ...;
transmute::<_, cb_t>(f)
typedef ret_t (*cb_t)(arg_t);
cb_t f = ...;
(cb_t) (f)

So, for instance,

fn call (
    ctx: *mut c_void,
    cb: unsafe extern "C" fn(ctx: *mut c_void),


void call (
    void * ctx,
    void (*cb)(void * ctx)

Nullable function pointers

A Rust fn pointer cannot possibly be NULL!

This means that when NULL-able function pointers are involved, forgetting to Option-wrap them can lead to Undefined Behavior. Luckily, this is something that is easily caught by ::safer_ffi's sanity checks.

Adding state: Closures

Since bare function pointers cannot carry any non-global instance-specific state, their usability is quite limited. For a callback-based API to be good, it must be able to support some associated state.

Stateful callbacks in C

In C, the idiomatic way to achieve this is to carry an extra void * parameter (traditionally called data, ctx, env or payload), and have the function pointer receive it as one of its parameters:

#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void call_n_times (
    size_t repeat_count,
    void (*cb)(void * cb_ctx),
    void * cb_ctx)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < repeat_count; ++i) {

void my_cb (
    void * cb_ctx);

int main (void)
    int counter = 0; // state to be shared
    int * at_counter = &counter; // pointer to the state
    void * cb_ctx = (void *) at_counter; // type-erased
    assert(counter == 42);
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
// where
void my_cb (
    void * cb_ctx)
    int * at_counter = (int *) cb_ctx; // undo type erasure
    *at_counter += 1; // access state through dereference

This pattern is so pervasive that the natural thing to do is to bundle those two fields (data pointer, and function pointer) within a struct:

typedef struct MyCallback {
    void (*cb)(void * ctx);
    void * ctx;
} MyCallback_t;
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct MyCallback {
    void * ctx;
    void (*fptr)(void * ctx);
} MyCallback_t;

void call_n_times (
    size_t repeat_count,
    MyCallback_t cb)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < repeat_count; ++i) {

void my_cb (
    void * cb_ctx);

int main (void)
    int counter = 0;
        (MyCallback_t) {
            .fptr = my_cb,
            .ctx = (void *) &counter,
    assert(counter == 42);
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
// where
void my_cb (
    void * cb_ctx)
    int * at_counter = (int *) cb_ctx;
    *at_counter += 1;

Back to Rust

In Rust, the situation is quite more subtle, since the properties of the closure are not wave-handed like they are in C. Instead, there are very rigurous things to take into account:

  • 'static

    Can the environment be held arbitrarily long, or is there some call frame / scope / lifetime it cannot outlive?

  • Send

    Can the environment be accessed (non-concurrently) from another thread?

    • For the sake of sanity, non-Send closures are not supported.
  • Fn vs. FnMut

    Both involve a callable API, but FnMut involves non-concurrent access whereas Fn allows concurrent access (e.g., closure then has to be reentrant-safe and, when Sync, thread-safe too).

  • Sync (+ Fn)

    Is the closure thread-safe / can it be called in parallel?

To get a better understanding of the Fn* traits and the move? |...| ... closure sugar in Rust I highly recommend reading the Closures: Magic functions blog post.

Such struct definitions are available, in a generic fashion, in ::safer_ffi, under the ::safer_ffi::closure module.

Disclaimer about callbacks using lifetimes

Function signatures involving lifetimes are not supported yet (and will probably never be, due to a limitation of Rust's typesystem). Using a transparent newtype around concrete closure signatures would circumvent that genericity limitation, and the crate's author intends to release a macro that would automate that step. In the meantime, you will have to use raw pointers or the Raw variants of the provided C types (e.g., c_slice::Raw, char_p::Raw).

For instance, MyCallback_t above is equivalent to using, within Rust, the RefDynFnMut0<'_, ()> type, a ReprC version of &'_ mut (dyn Send + FnMut()):

C layout
typedef struct {
    // Cannot be NULL
    void * env_ptr;
    // Cannot be NULL
    void (*call)(void * env_ptr);
} RefDynFnMut0_void_t;

Borrowed closures

More generally, when having to deal with a borrowed? stateful callback having N inputs of type A1, A2, ..., An, and a return type of Ret, i.e., a &'_ mut (dyn Send + FnMut(A1, ..., An) -> Ret), then the ReprC equivalent to use is:

RefDynFnMutN<'_, Ret, A1, ..., An>

  • C layout:

    typedef struct {
        // Cannot be NULL
        void * env_ptr; // &'_ mut TypeErased
        // Cannot be NULL
        Ret_t (*call)(void * env_ptr,
            A1_t arg_1,
            A2_t arg2,
            An_t arg_n);
    } RefDynFnMutN_Ret_A1_A2_..._An_t;
Example: call_n_times in Rust

The previously shown API:

typedef struct MyCallback {
    void * ctx;
    void (*fptr)(void * ctx);
} MyCallback_t;

void call_n_times (
    size_t repeat_count,
    MyCallback_t cb)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < repeat_count; ++i) {

can be trivially implemented in Rust with the following code:

use ::safer_ffi::prelude::*;

fn call_n_times (
    repeat_count: usize,
    cb: RefDynFnMut0<'_, ()>,
    // A current limitation of the `#[ffi_export]` is that it does not support
    // any non-identifier patterns such as `mut cb`.
    // We thus need to rebind it at the beginning of the function's body.
    // This ought to be fixed very soon.
    let mut cb = cb;
    for _ in 0 .. repeat_count {;
Bonus: calling it from Rust

Although most FFI functions are only to be called by C, sometimes we wish to call them from Rust too (e.g., when wanting to test them). In that case, know that the ...DynFn...N<...> family of ReprC closures all come with:

  • constructors supporting the equivalent Rust types (before type erasure!);

  • as well as as .call(...) method as showcased just above;

  • when dealing with owned variants, the Rust types implement Drop (so that offering a function to free a closure is as simple as exporting a function that simply drops its input);

  • and finally, when dealing with ArcDynFnN<...>, it also implements Clone, although it will panic! if the .retain function pointer happens to be NULL.

let mut count = 0;
call_n_times(42, RefDynFnMut0::new(&mut || { count += 1; }));
assert_eq!(count, 42);

Owned closures

When, instead, the closure may be held arbitrarily long (e.g., in another thread), and may have some destructor logic, i.e., when dealing with a heap-allocation-agnostic generalization of:

Box<dyn 'static + Send + FnMut(A1, ..., An) -> Ret>

then, the ReprC equivalent type to use is:

BoxDynFnMutN<Ret, A1, ..., An>

C layout
typedef struct {
    // Cannot be NULL
    void * env_ptr; // Box<TypeErased>
    // Cannot be NULL
    Ret_t (*call)(void * env_ptr,
        A1_t arg_1,
        A2_t arg2,
        An_t arg_n);
    // Cannot be NULL
    void (*free)(void * env_ptr);
} BoxDynFnMutN_Ret_A1_A2_..._An_t;

Ref-counted thread-safe closures

And, finally, when, on top of the previous considerations, the closure may have multiple owners (requiring ref-counting) and/or may be called by concurrent (Fn instead of FnMut) and even parallel (added Sync bound) code, i.e., when dealing with a heap-allocation-agnostic generalization of:

Arc<dyn 'static + Send + Sync + Fn(A1, ..., An) -> Ret>

then, the ReprC equivalent type to use is:

ArcDynFnN<Ret, A1, ..., An>

C layout
typedef struct {
    // Cannot be NULL
    void * env_ptr; // Arc<TypeErased>
    // Cannot be NULL
    Ret_t (*call)(void * env_ptr,
        A1_t arg_1,
        A2_t arg2,
        An_t arg_n);
    // Cannot be NULL
    void (*release)(void * env_ptr);
    // May be NULL
    void (*retain)(void * env_ptr);
} ArcDynFnN_Ret_A1_A2_..._An_t;
  • Note how an ArcDynFnN... * can be casted to a BoxDynFnMutN... * (same prefix), and how the latter can be converted to the former by having .retain = NULL.

FFI-safe dyn Traits / Virtual objects

This is a generalization of callbacks. For instance, while you could model an Iterator as an FnMut(), and then make that closure FFI-compatible based on the previous chapter, you could also be tempted to instead actually use some FFI-safe version of dyn Iterator, right?

Example (click to see)

Rather than doing:

fn main() {
use ::safer_ffi::prelude::*;

fn fibonacci() -> repr_c::Box<dyn Send + FnMut() -> u32> {
    let mut state = (0, 1);
    Box::new(move || {
        let to_yield = state.0;
        (state.0, state.1) = (state.1, state.0 + state.1);
  • C usage

    Generated header:

    /** \brief
     *  `Box<dyn 'static + Send + FnMut() -> Ret>`
    typedef struct BoxDynFnMut0_uint32 {
        /** <No documentation available> */
        void * env_ptr;
        /** <No documentation available> */
        uint32_t (*call)(void *);
        /** <No documentation available> */
        void (*free)(void *);
    } BoxDynFnMut0_uint32_t;
    /** <No documentation available> */
    fibonacci (void);


    // 1. Create it
    auto next = fibonacci();
    // 2. Use it
    for(int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
    // 3. Release it;

You may want to instead do:

fn main() {

trait FfiIterator : Send {
    fn next(&mut self) -> u32;

fn fibonacci() -> repr_c::Box<dyn FfiIterator> {
    struct Fibo(u32, u32);

    impl FfiIterator<u32> for Fibo {
        fn next(&mut self) -> u32 {
            let to_ret = self.0;
            (self.0, self.1) = (self.1, self.0 + self.1);

    Box::new(Fibo(0, 1))

This functionality is indeed supported by safer-ffi, thanks to the combination of two things:

  1. the #[derive_ReprC(dyn)] annotation on a given Trait definition (this makes it so dyn Trait : ReprCTrait)

  2. the VirtualPtr<dyn Trait + …> FFI-safe Box-like pointer usage in some function signature.

fn main() {

use ::safer_ffi::prelude::*;

#[derive_ReprC(dyn)] // 👈 1
trait FfiIterator : Send {
    fn next(&mut self) -> u32;

fn fibonacci()
  -> VirtualPtr<dyn FfiIterator> // 👈 2
    struct Fibo(u32, u32);

    impl FfiIterator for Fibo {
        fn next(&mut self) -> u32 {
            let to_ret = self.0;
            (self.0, self.1) = (self.1, self.0 + self.1);

    Box::new(Fibo(0, 1))
  • The resulting VirtualPtr then has an opaque data .ptr field, as well as a .vtable field, containing all the (virtual) methods of the trait, as well as the special release_vptr method1.

    Generated header (click to see)
    /** <No documentation available> */
    typedef struct Erased Erased_t;
    /** <No documentation available> */
    typedef struct FfiIteratorVTable {
        /** <No documentation available> */
        void (*release_vptr)(Erased_t *);
        /** <No documentation available> */
        uint32_t (*next)(Erased_t *);
    } FfiIteratorVTable_t;
    /** <No documentation available> */
    typedef struct VirtualPtr__Erased_ptr_FfiIteratorVTable {
        /** <No documentation available> */
        Erased_t * ptr;
        /** <No documentation available> */
        FfiIteratorVTable_t vtable;
    } VirtualPtr__Erased_ptr_FfiIteratorVTable_t;
    /** <No documentation available> */
    fibonacci (void);

    FFI usage:

    // 1. Create it
    auto obj = fibonacci();
    // 2. Use it
    for(int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
    // 3. Release it


    1. #define CALL(obj, method, ...) \
          obj.vtable method(obj.ptr ##__VA_ARGS__)
    2. So as to:

      // 1. Create it
      auto obj = fibonacci();
      // 2. Use it
      for(int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
          printf("%u\n", CALL(obj, .next));
      // 3. Release it
      CALL(obj, .release_vptr);

as well as the special retain_vptr, in the case of #[derive_ReprC(dyn, Clone)]

VirtualPtr<dyn Trait>

VirtualPtr is the key pointer type enabling all the FFI-safe dyn-support machinery in safer-ffi.

  • In order to better convey its purpose and semantics, other names considered for this type (besides a VPtr shorthand) have been:

    • DynPtr<dyn Trait>
    • DynBox<dyn Trait>
    • VirtualBox<dyn Trait> / VBox (this one has been very strongly considered)

Indeed, this type embodies owning pointer semantics, much like Box does.

But it does so with a twist, hence the dedicated special name: the owning mode is, itself, virtual/dyn!

  • As will be seen in the remainder of this post, this aspect of VirtualPtr is gonna be the key element to allow full type unification across even different pointer types!

    For instance, consider:

    fn together<'r>(
        a: Box<impl 'r + Trait>,
        b: Rc<impl 'r + Trait>,
        c: &'r impl Trait,
    ) -> [???; 3] // 🤔🤔🤔
        [a.into(), b.into(), c.into()]

    With VirtualPtr, we can fully type-erase and thus type-unify all these three types into a common one:

    ) -> [VirtualPtr<dyn 'r + Trait>; 3] // 💡💡💡

This allows a unified type able to cover all of Box<dyn Trait>, {A,}Rc<dyn Trait>, &[mut] dyn Trait under one same umbrella

One type to unify them all,

One type to coërce them,

One type to bring them all

and in the erasure bind them.

One VirtualPtr to rule them all

Constructing a VirtualPtr from Rust

That is, whilst a Box<impl Trait> can1 be "coërced" .into() a VirtualPtr<dyn Trait>, Box will oftentimes not be the sole pointer/indirection with that capability. Indeed, there will often be other similar "coërcions" from a &impl Trait, a &mut impl Trait, a Rc<impl Trait>, or a Arc<impl Trait + Send + Sync>!


provided that dyn Trait be a ReprCTrait, i.e., that the Trait definition have been #[derive_ReprC(dyn)]-annotated.

Here is the complete list of possible conversion at the moment:

  1. Given <T> where T : 'T + Trait,

  2. With Trait "being ReprC" / FFI-safe (i.e., dyn Trait : ReprCTrait)

From<...>.into()Notes for Trait
Box<T>VirtualPtr<dyn 'T + Trait>• (requires T : Clone when Clone-annotated)
&TVirtualPtr<dyn '_ + Trait>• cannot have &mut self methods
&mut TVirtualPtr<dyn '_ + Trait>• cannot be Clone-annotated
Rc<T>VirtualPtr<dyn 'T + Trait>• must be Clone-annotated
• cannot have &mut self methods
Arc<T>VirtualPtr<dyn 'T + Trait + Send + Sync>• must be Clone-annotated
• cannot have &mut self methods
• requires T : Send + Sync
  • Where "Clone-annotated" refers to the #[derive_Repr(dyn, Clone)] case.


  • Whenever T : 'static, we can pick 'T = 'static, so that dyn 'T + Trait may be more succintly written as dyn Trait.

  • If the trait has methods with a Pinned self receiver, then the From<…>-column needs to be Pin-wrapped.

  • + Send and/or + Sync can always be added inside a VirtualPtr, in which case T : Send and/or T : Sync (respectively) will be required.

    • The only exception here is Rc, since Rc<dyn Trait + Send + Sync> & co. are oxymorons which have been deemed not to deserve the necessary codegen (if multiple ownership and Send + Sync is required, use Arc, otherwise, use Rc).

    Tip: Since + Send + Sync is so pervasive(ly recommended for one's sanity) when doing FFI, these can be added as super-traits of our Trait, so that they be implied in both T : Trait and dyn Trait, thereby alleviating the syntax without compromising the thread-safety:

    #[derive_ReprC(dyn, /* Clone */)]
    trait Trait : Send + Sync {
    • But be aware that, even with such a super trait annotation, dyn Trait and dyn Trait + Send + Sync will remain being distinct types as far as Rust is concerned! ⚠️

Its FFI-layout: constructing and using VirtualPtr from the FFI

Given some:

#[derive_ReprC(dyn, /* Clone */)]
trait Trait {
    fn get(&self, _: bool) -> i32;
    fn set(&mut self, _: i32);
    fn method3(&… self, _: Arg1, _: Arg2, …) -> Ret;
  • (with Arg1 : ReprC<CLayout = CArg1>, etc.)

A VirtualPtr<dyn Trait> will be laid out as the following:

type ErasedPtr = ptr::NonNull<ty::Erased>; /* modulo const/mut */

struct VirtualPtr<dyn Trait> {
    ptr: ErasedPtr,
    // Note: it is *inlined* / *no* pointer indirection!
    vtable: {
        // the `drop` / `free`ing function.
        release_vptr: unsafe extern fn(ErasedPtr),

        /* if `Clone`-annotated:
        retain_vptr: unsafe extern fn(ErasedPtr) -> VirtualPtr<dyn Trait>, */

        /* and the FFI-safe virtual methods of the trait: */
        get: unsafe extern fn(ErasedPtr, _: CLayoutOf<bool>) -> i32,
        set: unsafe extern fn(ErasedPtr, _: i32),
        method3: unsafe extern fn(ErasedPtr, _: CArg1, _: CArg2, …) -> CRet,

A fully virtual owning mode

Remember the sentence above?

But it does so with a twist, hence the dedicated special name: the owning mode is, itself, virtual/dyn!

What this means is that all of the destructor is virtual / dynamically-dispatched, for instance (and ditto for .clone()ing, when applicable).

Non-fully-virtual examples

To better understand this nuance, consider the opposite (types which are not fully virtual / dynamically dispatched, such as Box<dyn …>): what happens when you drop a Box<dyn Trait> vs. dropping a Rc<dyn Trait>?

  • when you drop a Box<dyn Trait>:

    1. It virtually/dyn-amically queries the Layout knowledge of that dyn Trait type-erased data;
    2. It virtually/dyn-amically drops the dyn Trait pointee in place;
    3. It then calls dealloc (free) of the backing storage using the aforementioned data Layout (as the layout of the whole allocation, since a Box<T> allocates exactly as much memory as needed to hold a T)

    This last step is thus statically dispatched, thanks to the static/compile-time knowledge of the hard-coded Box type in Box<dyn Trait>!

    //! Pseudo-code!
    fn drop(self: &mut Box<dyn …>) {
        let layout = self.dyn_layout(); // (self.vtable.layout)(self.ptr)
        unsafe {
            // SAFETY: this is conceptual pseudo-code and may have bugs.
            self.dyn_drop_in_place(); // (self.vtable.drop_in_place)(self.ptr)
            dealloc(&mut *self as *mut _, layout);
  • when you drop a Rc<dyn Trait>:

    1. It virtually/dyn-amically queries the Layout knowledge of that dyn Trait type-erased data;
    2. It then embiggens the aforementioned layout so as to get the layout of all of the Rc's actual pointee / actual allocation (that is, the RcBox, i.e., the data alongside two reference counters), so as to be able to access those counters,
    3. and then decrements the appropriate counters (mostly the strong count);
    4. if it detects that it was the last owner (strong count from 1 to 0):
      1. It virtually/dyn-amically drops the dyn Trait pointee in place;
      2. It then calls dealloc (free) for that whole RcBox's backing storage (when there are no outstanding Weaks).

    The steps 2., 3. and 4.2 are thus statically dispatched, thanks to the static/compile-time knowledge of the hard-coded Rc type in Rc<dyn Trait>!

    //! Pseudo-code!
    fn drop(self: &mut Rc<dyn …>) {
        let layout = self.dyn_layout(); // (self.vtable.layout)(self.ptr)
        unsafe {
            // SAFETY: this is conceptual pseudo-code and may have bugs.
            let rcbox: &RcBox<dyn …> = adjust_ptr(self.ptr, layout);
            let prev = rcbox.strong_count.get();
            rcbox.strong_count.set(prev - 1);
            if prev == 1 {
                // if last strong owner
      ; // (….vtable.drop_in_place)(….ptr)
                if rcbox.weak_count == … {
                    // if no outstanding weaks
                    dealloc(rcbox as *const _ as *mut _, layout);

We can actually even go further, and wonder what Rust does:

It should thus now be clear that:

  • whilst type erasure of the pointee does happen whenever your deal with a ConcretePtr<dyn Trait> such as Box<dyn Trait>, &mut dyn Trait, etc.

  • on the other hand, the ConcretePtr behind which such erasure happens is not, itself, type-erased! It is still statically-known, and functionality such as Drop, Clone, or even Copy may take advantage of that information (e.g., &dyn Trait is Copy).

Another example: dyn_clone()

Let's now compare, in the context of type-erased dyn Trait pointees, a static operation vs. a virtual / dynamically dispatched one.

For starters, let's consider the following Trait definition:

trait Trait : 'static {
    //                 &dyn Trait
    fn dyn_clone(self: &Self) -> Box<dyn Trait>;

impl<T : 'static + Clone> Trait for T {
    fn dyn_clone(self: &T) -> Box<dyn Trait> {
        Box::new(T::clone(self)) /* as Box<dyn Trait> */

and now, let's think about and compare the behaviors of the two following functions:

fn clone_box(b: &Box<dyn Trait>) -> Box<dyn Trait> {

fn clone_rc(r: &Rc<dyn Trait>) -> Rc<dyn Trait> {
    r.clone() // Rc::clone(r)
  • clone_box is dynamically calling and delegating to dyn Trait's dyn_clone virtual method;
  • clone_rc is statically / within-hard-coded code logic performing a (strong) reference-count increment inside the RcBox<dyn Trait> pointee, thereby never interacting with the dyn Trait value itself.

(Granted, the former is performing a statically-dispatched Deref coercion beforehand, and the latter may be dynamically looking up dyn Trait's Layout, but the main point still stands).

From partially dynamic to fully dynamic

From all this, I hope the hybrid static-dynamic nature of Rust's ConcretePtr<dyn ErasedPointee> (wide) pointers logic is now more apparent and clearer.

From there, we can then wonder what happens if we made it all fully dynamic: VirtualPtr is born!


  • all of the drop glue is to be dynamically dispatched (through some virtual fn pointer performing a drop_ptr operation):

    //! Pseudo-code
    impl<T> DynDrop for Box<T> {
        fn dyn_drop_ptr(self)
    impl<T> DynDrop for Arc<T> {
        fn dyn_drop_ptr(self)
    impl<T> DynDrop for &mut T {
        fn dyn_drop_ptr(self)
    impl<T> DynDrop for &T {
        fn dyn_drop_ptr(self)

    Notice how this shall therefore imbue with move/ownership semantics originally-Copy pointers such as &T. Indeed, once we go fully virtual, by virtue of being compatible/type-unified with non-Copy pointers such as Box<T> or &mut T, it means we have to conservatively assume any VirtualPtr<…> instance may have to run significant drop glue at most once, which thence makes VirtualPtrs not be Copy, even when they've originated from a &T reference.

  • Clone, if any, is also to be fully dynamically dispatched as well:

    //! Pseudo-code
    impl<T> DynClone for Box<T>
        T : Clone,
        fn dyn_clone_ptr(self: &Self)
          -> Self
    impl<T> DynClone for Arc<T> {
        fn dyn_clone_ptr(self: &Self)
          -> Self
     * no `Clone` for `&mut`, obviously:
     * thus, no `From<&mut T>` for `VirtualPtr<dyn DynClone>` either.
    impl<T> DynClone for &'_ T {
        fn dyn_clone_ptr(self: &Self)
          -> Self
            // `&T : Copy`

    Regarding the previous point about &T-originated VirtualPtrs not being Copy anymore, we can see we can get the functional API back (i.e., Clone), if we pinky promise not to mix such VirtualPtrs with non-Clone-originating pointers (such as &mut T)

    • Bonus: &mut T-reborrowing

      If you think about &mut T, whilst not Copy, it's still kind of an interesting pointer, since a &'short mut &'long mut T can yield a &'short mut T through reborrowing, thereby removing one layer of indirection, by "squashing" the lifetimes together into their intersection (which here happens to be the shortest one, 'short, since 'long : 'short).

      In explicit API parlance, this would become:

      impl<'long> DynReborrowMut for &'long mut T {
          fn dyn_reborrow_mut(
              //    &'short mut VirtualPtr<dyn 'long + …>
              self: &'short mut Self,
          ) -> &'short mut T
          //   VirtualPtr<dyn 'short + …>
              *self /* `&mut **self` to be precise */
      impl<'long> DynReborrowMut for &'long T { // …

      Despite intellectually interesting, this is nonetheless a niche and contrived API which is therefore not exposed through safer-ffi's VirtualPtr type, for it is deemed that &'short mut VirtualPtr<dyn 'long + …> ought to offer most of the API of a reborrowed VirtualPtr<dyn 'short + …>.

Related read/concept: dyn *

In a way, the API/functionality of VirtualPtr is quite similar to the very recent dyn * experimental2 unstable feature of Rust.

As of this writing2, there isn't that much proper documentation about it, and one would have to wander through Zulip discussions to know more about it, but for the following post:

A Look at dyn* Code Generation — by Eric Holk


as of 1.68.0

Click here to see my own summary of dyn *

The gist of it is that barring repr(C) / extern "C" / FFI-compatibility considerations about which dyn * does not worry, the idea is kind of the same as VirtualPtr, but for one extra quirk. Instead of a simple thin pointer-sized data pointer, a dyn * will rather use the following "erased data" type:

union ErasedData<const N: usize = 1> {
    ptr: *mut ty::Erased,
    inline: [MaybeUninit<usize>; N],

struct dyn* Trait<const N: usize = 1> {
    data: ErasedData<N>,
    vtable: …,

Historically, most platforms have featured *mut _ and usize having the same layout, so on those platforms and in the case of N = 1 (and papering over MaybeUninit / padding bytes), you may still be seeing a *mut ty::Erased directly rather than an ErasedData.

For instance, we could imagine all this applied to our VirtualPtrs: we'd now be able to implement it for non-pointer types, provided they fit within the ErasedData inline storage!

//! Pseudo-code: currently *NOT* in `safer-ffi`

trait Example : Clone {
    fn dyn_print(&self);

impl Example for usize /* which fits inside `*mut Erased` */ {
    /* auto-generated:
    fn dyn_drop(self)
        /* nothing to do to drop a `usize` since it is `Copy` */

    fn dyn_clone(self: &Self)
      -> Self
    } */

    fn dyn_print(self: &Self)

fn main()
    let n: usize = 42;
    // look ma: no indirection!
    let vptr: VirtualPtr<dyn Example> = n.into();
 /* let vptr = VirtualPtr {
        vptr: ErasedData { inline: n },
        vtable: VTable {
            release_vptr: usize::dyn_drop,
            retain_vptr: usize::dyn_clone,
            dyn_print: usize::dyn_print,
    }; */
    vptr.dyn_print(); // correctly prints `42`.
  • Note that this is currently deemed too niche and is not featured by safer-ffi.

#[derive_ReprC(dyn, …)] usage


Given a simple Trait definition with signatures involving ReprC types exclusively, and using Traits as syntax for 'usability + Trait $(+ Send)? $(+ Sync)?, then:

  1. annotating it with #[derive_ReprC(dyn)]

    (or #[derive_ReprC(dyn, Clone)]) when "Clone-annotating"),

    fn main() {
    #[derive_ReprC(dyn, /* Clone */)]
    trait Trait /* : Send + Sync */ {
  2. makes dyn Traits : ReprCTrait, which, in turn,

  3. makes VirtualPtr<dyn Traits> become a legal/nameable type, so that:

    • VirtualPtr<dyn Traits> : Traits,

    • VirtualPtr<dyn Traits> : ReprC and thus, FFI-compatible,

    • VirtualPtr<dyn Traits> : From<Box<impl Traits>> and so on for the other most pervasive Rust "smart" pointer types,

    • In the case of #[derive_ReprC(dyn, Clone)], we'll also have:

      • VirtualPtr<dyn Traits> : Clone,

      • From<{A,}Rc<impl Traits>>,

      But at the cost of losing the From impls for &mut and Box<impl !Clone>.

    • From<&impl Traits> (and From<{A,}Rc<impl Traits>>) will only be available when there are no &mut self methods in the trait definition.

A simple Trait definition?

A Trait definition is deemed simple if:

  • it only has methods in it (fn method(self: …, …));
  • is dyn-safe (no generics, no where Self : Sized);
  • with only &Self and &mut Self receiver types (the owned case is not supported yet).
    • Pin<>-wrapping them is, however, accepted (thereby making the From impls require it).

Example: FFI-safe Futures and executors

By the way, all this is actually already directly featured by safer-ffi itself if you enable the futures or tokio features.


  1. Future Trait:

    trait Future {
        type Output;
        fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, &'_ mut Context<'_>)
          -> Poll<Self::Output>
  2. Simplify it: Future<Output = ()>

    trait SimpleFuture {
        fn dyn_poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, &'_ mut Context<'_>)
          -> Poll<()>
    • Renamed to dyn_poll for more readable semantics down the line.
  3. Make it FFI-compatible: define an FFI-safe Poll<()> equivalent

    fn main() {
    enum FfiPoll {
    trait FfiFuture {
        fn dyn_poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, &'_ mut Context<'_>)
          -> FfiPoll
    • We have reached a point where #[derive_ReprC(dyn)] can be used!

    • This means we have now gotten the impl -> dyn "coërcions":

      • impl<'f, F : 'f + FfiFuture> From<
        > for // ↓
            VirtualPtr<dyn 'f + FfiFuture>
      • impl<'f, F : 'f + FfiFuture> From<
            Pin<&'f mut F>
        > for // ↓
            VirtualPtr<dyn 'f + FfiFuture>
  4. Convenience conversions to/from Rust Futures.

    • From:

      fn main() {
      impl<F : Future<Output = ()>> FfiFuture for F {
          fn dyn_poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, ctx: &'_ mut Context<'_>)
            -> FfiPoll
              match self.poll(ctx) {
                  | Poll::Pending => FfiPoll::Pending,
                  | Poll::Ready(()) => FfiPoll::Completed,
    • Into:

      fn main() {
      impl<'fut> VirtualPtr<dyn 'fut + FfiFuture> {
          fn into_future(self)
            -> impl 'fut + Future<Output = ()>
              let mut vptr = self;
              ::core::future::poll_fn(move /* vptr */ |cx| {
                  match Pin::new(&mut vptr).dyn_poll(cx) {
                      | FfiPoll::Pending => Poll::Pending,
                      | FfiPoll::Completed => Poll::Ready(()),

Bonus: offering Wake ups to the FFI:

Remember: Context is an opaque FFI type, which makes it unusable there. FFI users won't be able to provide their own custom dyn FfiFuture objects (other than trivial Futures or Futures busy-looping the polls).

We can palliate this by exposing virtual methods / accessors specific to the opaque Context type:

fn main() {
macro_rules! ffi_export_future_helpers {() => (
    const _: () = {
        use $crate::ඞ::std::{sync::Arc, task::Context, prelude::v1::*};

        fn rust_future_task_context_wake (
            task_context: &'static Context<'static>,

        fn rust_future_task_context_get_waker (
            task_context: &'static Context<'static>,
        ) -> Arc<dyn 'static + Send + Sync + Fn()>
            let waker = task_context.waker().clone();
            Arc::new(move || waker.wake_by_ref()).into()

FFI-safe Executor / Runtime Handle

Note: ::tokio does not expose an Executor API, but rather, a Runtime, which packages/bundles both the Executor part1 as well as the Reactor part2. The latter is the reason some of ::tokio's leaf Futures (such as File I/O and sleeps) cannot be polled, by default, by other executors… See for more info.


the block_on() runtime in charge of calling .poll() to make a future progress, with concurrent .poll()s to spawed Futures.


background thread(s)/threadpool to which certain Waker::wake() calls are scheduled, needed by certain leaf futures.

  1. A trait abstraction thereof:

    fn main() {
    trait Executor : Send + Sync {
        fn block_on<T>(
            self: &'_ Self,
            future: impl '_ + Future<Output = T>,
        ) -> T
        fn spawn(
            self: &'_ Self,
            future: impl 'static + Send + Future<Output = ()>
        ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Send + Future<Output = ()>>>
  2. Making it dyn-safe:

    fn main() {
    trait Executor : Send + Sync {
        fn dyn_block_on(
            self: &'_ Self,
            future: Pin<Box<dyn '_ + Future<Output = ()>>>,
        fn dyn_spawn(
            self: &'_ Self,
            future: Pin<Box<dyn Send + Future<Output = ()>>>
        ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Send + Future<Output = ()>>>
  3. Making it FFI-safe:

    fn main() {
    #[derive_ReprC(dyn, Clone)]
    trait FfiFutureExecutor : Send + Sync {
        fn dyn_block_on(
            self: &'_ Self,
            future: VirtualPtr<dyn '_ + FfiFuture>,
        fn dyn_spawn(
            self: &'_ Self,
            future: VirtualPtr<dyn Send + FfiFuture>
        ) -> VirtualPtr<dyn Send + FfiFuture>
  4. From a ::tokio::Handle:

    impl FfiFutureExecutor for ::tokio::runtime::Handle {
        fn dyn_block_on (
            self: &'_ Self,
            ffi_fut: VirtualPtr<dyn '_ + FfiFuture>,
        fn dyn_spawn (
            self: &'_ Self,
            future: VirtualPtr<dyn Send + FfiFuture>,
        ) -> VirtualPtr<dyn Send + FfiFuture>
            let handle_result = self.spawn(future.into_future());
            let handle_unwrapped = async {
                    .unwrap_or_else(|caught_panic| {
  5. Usable as an Executor:

    fn main() {
    /// Notice how we got the generics back!
    impl VirtualPtr<dyn FfiFutureExecutor> {
        fn block_on<R> (
            self: &'_ Self,
            fut: impl Future<Output = R>
        ) -> R
            // We use `Option<R>` as a simple non-`'static` channel
            // to get the generic payload back.
            let mut ret = None;
                // From< Pin<&mut F> >
                ::core::pin::pin!(async {
                    ret = Some(fut.await);
            ret.expect("`.dyn_block_on()` did not complete")
        fn spawn<R : 'static + Send> (
            self: &'_ Self,
            fut: impl 'static + Send + Future<Output = R>,
        ) -> impl 'static + Future<Output = R>
            // Channel to be able to get the generic payload back.
            let (tx, rx) = ::futures::channel::oneshot::channel();
            let ffi_handle = self.dyn_spawn(
                // From< Pin<Box<F>> >
                Box::pin(async move {
            let handle = async move {
                rx  .await
                        executor dropped the `spawn`ed task \
                        before its completion\

Real-world example at Ditto-logo

ditto-logo-no-title See our blog post ditto-logo-no-title

Example: our own hashmap in C

Coming soon

Appendix: A quick reminder of C compilation in Unix

Exporting / generating a C library requires two things:

  • the header file(s) (.h), which contain the C signatures and thus the type (and ABI!) information of the exported functions and types.

    • Such file(s) must be #included at the beginning of the C code, and are thus required to compile any C source file that directly calls into our Rust functions.

    • It may be necessary to tell the compiler (the C preprocessor, to be exact) the path to the folder containg the file(s), by using the -I flag: -I path/to/headers/dir

  • the object file(s) (.o), or archive (.a) of such files (also called a static library), or a dynamic library (.so on Linux, .dylib on OS X), which contain the machine code with the actual logic of such functions.

    • When linking, such file(s) must be referred to:

      • either by full path in the case of .o and .a files,

      • or, in the case of libraries (.a and .so / .dylib), when those are named as libsome_name.extension, by using the -l flag, and feeding it the parameter some_name (-l some_name).

        • It may be necessary to tell the compiler (the linker, to be exact) the path to the folder containg the file(s), by using the -L flag: -L path/to/libraries/dir
      • yes, there are two ways to refer to a static library, due to its dual nature of being both a library and a "simple" archive of raw .o files.

      In all cases, "remember" to refer to the library object files after the files for your downstream binary:

      # Incorrect
      cc -L my_lib/dir -l mylib_name main.o -o main
      # Correct
      cc main.o -o main -L my_lib/dir -l mylib_name
      • This is because the linker may disregard symbols that are not (yet) needed, so the callers need to come before the callees.

      • In the case of a Rust-originated library, the dl and pthread libraries are very likely to be required. On Linux, they are not included by default, so, when linking, you may need to append -lpthread -ldl to the command for it to work.

Static vs. Dynamic library

If you don't know which to use, it is highly recommended to use a static library. Indeed:

  • Dynamic (also named shared) libraries are mainly a file-size optimization when having multiple downstream binaries that all depend upon the same (shared) library, which is quite unlikely to be the case for a Rust library.

  • Dynamic libraries result in the produced program being split among multiple files (the main binary and the dynamic library), which is not only slightly less convinient than a bundled single file, but it also incurs in requiring a correct setup system-wise or binary-wise so that the dynamic library can be found at load time, i.e., each and every time the binary is run.

    This means the the dynamic library needs to be located:

    • either in special directories such as /usr/lib, which may require root access and/or a special (make) installation step.

      • I'd even say that this is, by the way, the main raison d'être for tools such as Docker: having a reliable dynamic-library setup is so painful that one ends up scripting each and every step of the installation process to guarantee that all the tools are correcly laid out within the filesystem, and that there are no extraneous misinteractions.
    • or in a relative path (-Wl,-rpath,... flag), either relative to the working directory, or relative to the location of the main binary. In both cases this may expose the user to code injection (one can easily shadow the dynamic library with their own in such cases), which, especially when the main binary has special privileges, is a security hazard.

  • When all the libraries used by a binary are static, one gets to have a stand-alone program, also called "portable" (only across machines of the same architecture, though), which, contrary to "setup hell", leads to very simple "installation"s (simply copy-paste the binary, and you can run it!)

  • That being said, the layer of indirection that dynamic libraries introduce can be beneficial or interesting in very special cases, which leads to some situations where releasing the library as a dynamic one is mandatory. In such cases there is no real choice, and you should be using Rust's cdylib's crate-type to generate the shared library.

Appendix: how does safer_ffi work

Most of the limitations of traditional FFI are related to the design of cbindgen and its being implemented as a syntactic tool: without access to the semantics of the code, only its representation, cbindgen will never truly be able to overcome these issues.

Instead, a tool for true FFI integration, including header generation, needs to have a way to interact with the high-level code and type semantics created by the compiler, instead of just the original source code.

There are two ways to achieve this (outside official compiler support, of course):

  • either through a compiler plugin, such as clippy. This requires a very advanced knowledge of unstable compiler implementation details and internals, thus leading to a high maintenance burden: every new release of Rust could break such a compiler plugin (c.f. clippy-incompatible nightly Rust releases).

  • by encoding invariants and reflection within the type system, through a complex but stable use of helper traits. This is the choice made by safer_ffi, whereby two traits suffice to express the necssary semantics for FFI compatibility and integration:

    • the user-facing ReprC trait, implemented for types having a defined C layout:

    • the more avdanced raw CType trait, that you can simply dismiss as an internal trait.

      • Still, for those interested, know that it defines the necessary logic for C reflection, that you can, by the way, unsafe-ly implement for your custom definitions for an advanced but doable custom extension of the framework!